iTNikko is the main interface to get an overview of my projects, my working experiences and the entry-point to my self-hosted apps.
This website was an idea I’ve had for a long time. I didn’t want to build something fast and haphazardly. I wanted it to be modern, easy to navigate and with valuable information. It’s an overview of what I personally do and what I can professionally do.
I took my time to iterate these webpages, to provide the best overall browsing experience. Please reach out if you have any issues or any improvement ideas. Enjoy your browsing!
I see work as solving puzzles. You’re looking for the correct piece to solve each particular task in order to see the bigger picture.
The entire puzzle.
I’m here to contribute my pieces to the company’s overall puzzles. Information Technology is the backbone of the company. Good IT infrastructure provide a collaborative environment for all departments, clients and partners.
No two puzzles are the same, some are more difficult than others.
Each company is like a new puzzle. They all take a different approach to understand. Some already have their edges, other still need to be defined.
To build up my skills I’m solving smaller puzzles each day in my spare time. To that end, I’ve used these skills to build the iTNikko infrastructure.
Each company is like a new puzzle. I'm looking to find one that challenges me and has good people to grow with.
There are many ways to reach me but the most effective one would be through LinkedIn. Don’t hesitate if you want to reach out about this website, any of my projects, my background or other inquiries.
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